Abstract: positive deviations imply a progressive change in the system of society. New ideas, innovations, creativity, innovation, creativeness – these are deviations that are positive in nature and that provide and lead to the development of modern society, modern social life. They are engaged in a motivating and guiding function in relation to human behavior, as a representative of microsocium. Due to the spread of such a phenomenon as positive personality deviations, which act as a factor in the development of society, it becomes necessary to pay more attention to it in order to conduct research on this issue in the future.

Volunteering, which undoubtedly refers to positive deviations, is a form of service, including social, that is carried out by the free will of citizens, aimed at the unselfish provision of socially significant services at the local, regional, national and international levels, which promotes personal growth and development of those performing this activity of people (volunteers).

Keywords: positive deviations, volunteer movement, volunteer activities, social deviations, youth, deviant behavior, society
