Abstract: the purpose of the article is to present the crisis as a natural stage in the organization’s life cycle. All organizations may experience symptoms of the crisis, regardless of size and industry. A crisis can have a general organizational dimension, but it can also affect only certain functions. But regardless of the extent of the crisis, crisis management must be multidisciplinary. Crisis management is the most difficult task for managers. Crisis management requires not only formal knowledge, but also experience and practical skills in the development and implementation of corrective programs. The organization ability to respond to the crisis creates potential for organizational, human, cultural, informational and financial factors. Crisis prevention in an enterprise is heavily dependent on the definition of crisis zones. Correct identification of crisis zones and appropriate actions reduce the risk of occurrence.
It should be emphasized that enterprise crisis management should be part of strategic management, because enterprise crisis is a strategic issue for the survival of the organization. Management staff is especially important in countering crises. The literature emphasizes that “every organization needs good and wise managers, as well as capital or modern technology. A good manager is effective management, and effective management is the right choice of direction, ways and subject of business – it is a modern management that takes into account the latest achievements of science and practice. Managers should be not only good managers, but also decision makers.
Keywords: management, crisis, crisis management, strategy, crisis zones, efficiency, manager role