Abstract: the authors of this article conducted a sociological study to answer questions about the extent to which modern Russian youth are aware of the content of key political events of the year, in particular, in the adoption of Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the degree of approval of these amendments. In the introductory part of the article, the authors note the absence of intergenerational conflict between modern youth and representatives of the generation of «parents». The result of the research is a low level of interest of young people in the adoption of amendments to the Constitution, a high level of fatigue from the political agenda, irritation and a request for social justice.
The demand of young people for a change in the political agenda and a new image of the President of the Russian Federation is also high. The image of the future President is designed by young people in accordance with the following priorities. The most popular age of the President among respondents is considered to be the period of 40-45 years: the vast majority of respondents want to see a representative of the generation of fathers as President, which may reflect the fatigue of young people from the gerontocracy. Analysis of the intended primary business of the future President leads to the conclusion that on this post young people see a community representative of the so-called “young technocrats”, and in “anti” activities invariably armed forces and power structures, which in turn can mean fatigue militocracy. Such human qualities as strength and determination are much less in demand by respondents than justice, kindness and professionalism. Regarding the political agenda: the overwhelming majority of respondents expressed their interest in the rule of law, justice and human rights, subordination of the minority to the majority with strict respect for the rights of the minority, implementation of the principle of separation of powers, constitutionalism and the rule of law.
Keywords: age strata, youth, youth policy, political absenteeism, Constitution, Amendments to the Constitution, Popular vote, President