Abstract: the tourism industry, which belongs to an innovative branch of the economy, will increase returns and contribute to the development of the Russian socio-economic system if the tourist potential of the territory is used effectively. The government of the Republic of Tatarstan actively intervenes in ensuring the development of the tourism industry, introducing new mechanisms for managing tourist and recreational complexes at the regional level.

The correct system of organization by regional management bodies of the tourist and recreational complex, taking into account the natural specifics and socio-economic specialization of the region, will have a positive impact on the well-being of the regions, which consists of three key components that are significant from the point of view of the development of the region’s economy as an open socio-economic system and representing a set of business structures, the population and government agencies.

The article discusses approaches to the formation and functioning of the management system of the tourist and recreational complex of the region, based on the experience of the Republic of Tatarstan, where the TRC is presented as a set of budget, economic and household components.

The article presents ways to increase revenues of the Republican budget on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan as a result of the implementation of measures for the interaction of budget, economic and household structures, by improving the system of regional management and interaction of elements of the tourist and recreational complex.

Keyword: Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, regional administration, tourist and recreational complex, tourism, Kazan, Sviyazhsk, Bolgar UNESCO
