Abstract: in this paper the author comprehensively considered the functions and tasks of the digital economy, its assessment at the present stage, analyzed the prospects of its development. The conditions of realization and growth of the digital economy, its connection with conjugate concepts are studied. Both positive and negative aspects of digitalization processes in the economy are considered. The situation of the world economy, the market of digital technologies in Russia and abroad, innovative industrial enterprises implementing digital technologies are analyzed. The prospects for the development of information technologies under the existing restrictive factors are identified and substantiated. The approaches and factors influencing the current state and reconfiguration of all domestic economic systems to digitalization and the development of the industrial revolution are determined. In the framework of the study and its results presented in this article, it was revealed that the state of all economic domestic systems, especially industry, requires structural transformation to ensure the technological breakthrough indicated in the new national projects of the Russian Federation, based on the Development Strategy of the information society and the program “Digital economy”, aimed at solving the identified problems and tasks.
Keywords: digital economy, digital technology, program, prospects, processes