Abstract: in modern conditions, the success and profitability of business, the financial results and effectiveness of an enterprise, its competitive advantages largely depend on the level of development, stability and security of the IT-infrastructure. In fact, this is one of the most important assets of the company. Transparency and manageability of the IT-infrastructure require a predicted response of IT to changes in the organization, which ensures a reasonable assessment of how the IT-infrastructure is able to support the necessary changes and, if so, in what terms and what is required for this. All this can be achieved by organizing a unified system of IT-infrastructure management, which must be constantly improved. The paper provides a comparative analysis of methods for assessing the maturity level of an enterprise’s IT-infrastructure. It was revealed that these techniques are difficult to apply by companies in internal audit. In this regard, a system of criteria for assessing the maturity level of an enterprise’s IT-infrastructure is proposed, as well as a set of measures that increase maturity.
Keywords: IT-infrastructure, management system, maturity levels of IT-infrastructure, management models, components, automation