Abstract: trends in the formation of working places in various spheres of the economy, their arrangement reflects the transformation in culture, economy, and construction technologies throughout the development of society. The occurrence of working places was influenced by changes that occurred in the economy, culture, and society at the beginning of the XX century – the emergence of giant “Ford’s” industries and companies. In the age of intelligent machines, modern companies need to develop flexibility mechanisms that can respond to an increase in the range of products; use the latest methods of control, arrangement and division of labor, based on modern production technologies that meet the requirements of world standards. In the context of expanding the activities of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to improve the process of creating products. The need to equip production facilities with high-tech machines and equipment is increasing, and a scientific approach to the formation of the working place is also important. The aim of this research is to analyze the methods of arranging the working place in industrial enterprises in the era of intelligent machines, as well as to develop a methodology for improving it. The research methodology includes theoretical and cognitive (formalization, rise from the abstract to the certain) and general logical (analysis and synthesis) methods. As a result of the research, based on the works of national and foreign authors, the most popular tool for organizing the working place was identified, and a method for improving it was developed. One of the main elements of the production and technological structure of the enterprise in which the production process is carried out is the size of the scope of labor, which also depends on its nature. Combining the three basic elements of this process allows achieving the main goal of production.
Keywords: industry, 5S system, workspace, intelligent machines